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Image by Rob Curran


Asia’s first daily 360-degree media consumption tracker.

The world we live in today

Consumers have changed, in terms of how they interact with brands, products and services. Their behaviours have undergone a profound change with the advent of digital services and smartphones. Today, the smartphones are at the centre of the consumers life, and they are their source of communication, connecting, entertainment, shopping, banking, managing their health, etc. The pandemic further accentuated this change and today everything digital is an integral part of their lives and lifestyles.

We are truly in a multi-media age and consumers are constantly sourcing information and entertainment from various media, especially digital medium. No wonder, Digital is estimated to garner the largest share of advertising spends beating Television as the number one medium.

Today’s Cross Media Consumer - a moving target

Media consumption is no longer restricted to the TV screen and newspapers nor is the media consumption restricted within the home and on selected devices at home. Today’s consumer is truly a cross media consumer who consumes media from numerous platforms and devices.


Today media is intertwined with her life. While she gets her morning dose of information and news from the printed copy of newspapers and/or online web portals, she keeps herself entertained and up to date from the updates sent by her companions - the FM Radio and news apps on her mobile phone. At every small break, she is being kept informed by these apps, WhatsApp, Websites and other Social Media. And when she is home, her favourite TV and the new friends - OTT platforms - partner her.

Online Shopping

Legacy Media Measurement systems

While the consumer’s media behaviour has changed dramatically, unfortunately media measurement systems have not kept pace with this transformation. While the consumer is constantly on the move and consuming media wherever she is, television audience measurement and readership surveys continue measuring in the traditional, uni-dimensional manner.


As the consumer is spending increasingly longer time out of home, she is also consuming more media out of home. Most measurement systems; for instance, Television Audience Measurement, still do not cover out of home media consumption.
Most media measurements tend to address a single medium in-depth when the reality is that the consumer is accessing the same content across media platforms.
Lastly, most media measurements also suffer from small samples and/or patterned responses from panelists exposing themselves to possible attempts of infiltration and corruption.


It would not be an exaggeration to say that media consumption is rapidly getting out of the BOX and the media measurement has to get Out of the Box.


Computer Chip Circuit
Illuminated Poles


In today’s multiple media scenario, MEDIATRACKER is the first and only one of its kind, continuous media measurement survey which comprehensively captures a 360-degree media consumption behaviour to track consumers’ media habits. And does it everyday. All 365 days of the year.

MEDIATRACKER comprehensively measures media behaviour across the length and breadth of the country - across 36 states and union territories.
MEDIATRACKER holistically captures media consumption at home as well as outside the home, is device agnostic and measures every media touch point – a truly platform agnostic measurement. It also addresses the issue of sample spread, representation and patterned responses by recruitment and interviewing of a large number of respondents freshly recruited each day.

MEDIATRACKER captures consumers’ full, 360-degree media consumption on daily basis; across broadcast TV channels, Newspapers & Magazines, FM Radio stations, Social Media/apps, Websites and OTT platforms. Truly, the most comprehensive and granular tracking of media consumption habits.

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